The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Circe (Mistress of Sorcery & Transmutation Magic)


Circe is a goddess of magic (or sometimes a nymph, witch, or sorceress). By most accounts, Circe was the daughter of Helios, the god of the sun, and Perse, an Oceanid.


Her brothers were Aeetes, the keeper of the Golden Fleece, and Perses. Her sister was Pasiphaƫ, the wife of King Minos and mother of the Minotaur. Other accounts make her the daughter of Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft herself. Because of her knowledge of magic, Circe is widely renowned by witches across the world, with very few even having covens in her name. Her status as a goddess, although minor, makes her one of the most powerful sorceresses in the world.

Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of magical potions and a wand or a staff, she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. Some say she was exiled to the solitary island of Aeaea by her subjects and her father for ending the life of her husband, the prince of Colchis.

Circe is described as living in a mansion that stands in the middle of a clearing in a dense wood. Around the house prowled strangely docile lions and wolves, the drugged victims of her magic; they were not dangerous, and fawned on all newcomers. Circe worked at a huge loom. She invited Odysseus' crew to a feast of familiar food, a pottage of cheese and meal, sweetened with honey and laced with wine, but also laced with one of her magical potions, and she turned them all into pigs with a wand after they gorged themselves on it.

