The Demonic Paradise Wiki


Zahhak, also known as Zohhak and Dahaka, he is the three-headed dragon of destruction and terror spawned from Angra Mainyu to wreak havoc on the world. He has been sealed away by Ahura Mazda.


He is described as a monster with three mouths, six eyes, and three heads, cunning, strong, and demonic. In other respects Aži Dahāka has human qualities, and is never a mere animal.


In Iranian legend, Azhi Dahaka would lead the forces of evil against the gods, as Angra Mainyus' servant. He is said to have ruled for a thousand years, starting from 100 years after Jam lost his Khvarenah, his royal glory. He is described as a sorcerer who ruled with the aid of demons, the Divs.

Zahhak was finally disposed of by Θraētaona son of Aθβiya, in Middle Persian called Frēdōn. The Avesta has little to say about the nature of Θraētaona's defeat of Aži Dahāka, other than that it enabled him to liberate Arənavāci and Savaŋhavāci, the two most beautiful women in the world. Feyredon is said to have been endowed with the divine radiance of kings (Khvarenah, New Persian farr) for life, and was able to defeat Zahhak, striking him with a mace. However, when he did so, vermin (snakes, insects and the like) emerged from the wounds, and the god Ormazd told him not to kill Zahhak, lest the world become infected with these creatures. Instead, Frēdōn chained Dahāg up and imprisoned him on the mythical Mt. Damāvand (later identified with Damāvand).

The Middle Persian sources also prophesy that at the end of the world, Zahhak will at last burst his bonds and ravage the world, consuming one in three humans and livestock. Kirsāsp, the ancient hero who had killed the Az ī Srūwar, returns to life to kill Zahhak.
