The Demonic Paradise Wiki

A mummy (Art by Brian Valeza)

Come. You are not where you are meant to be. I shall take you to the place your poor, imprisoned soul can finally find peace. And perhaps redemption for the crimes you have committed in undeath.
~ Anubis to an unnamed mummy.

Mummies, also known as Amenti, are immortals whose bodies have been ritualistically preserved, and granted the power of self resurrection. Their skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or accidental exposure to chemicals, extreme cold, very low humidity, or lack of air.


Mummies of humans and other animals have been found on every continent, both as a result of natural preservation through unusual condition, and as cultural artifacts. Perhaps the most renown mummies of the world of those of the Ancient Egyptians, who mummified their Pharaohs inside massive tombs that would come to be known as the Great Pyramids of Egypt. These great tombs would become a testament to the enduring power of human ingenuity, and would horde the great treasures and riches of the deceased pharaohs, which many would attempt to steal for centuries to come, to varying success.

Mummies would also be used as the terrestrial avatars of the Egyptian gods to combat the dark forces unleashed by their greatest foes. These mummies were created to serve the forces of balance (Ma'at), or to enact the will of their divine patrons. The first of these avatars were known as the Imkhu, the followers of Horus in Ancient Egypt, being used as a means to repel the forces of darkness led by Horus's archenemy Set. Another faction known as Shemsu-heru would take up the mantle of protectors against the chaotic influence of Apophis himself by Ma'at after Ra was no longer in proper shape to fight the chaos serpent.

Powers and Abilities[]

Mummies have in modern times become associated with legends of them returning to life as the Egyptian equivalent of the Draugr. These resurrected mummies will generally seek revenge against those who have disturbed their resting place or who have stolen from the treasures of Ancient Egypt.

  • Rot: Once resurrected, these mummies will consume the fluids and vital organs of the living in order to regenerate their decomposed bodies and return to their living and fully empowered form; leaving the victim a desiccated skeletal husk. Said victims are often unfortunate mortals who unwittingly opened the book or read aloud the scripture capable of resurrecting the mummy in the first place.
  • Harenkinesis: Some mummies who have made a pact with the chaotic desert god Set were capable of producing great sandstorms that would move according to their will and destroy all in their wake, burying it beneath mounds of sand. This ability could also manifest in the form of massive sinkholes in the sand that would swallow up those wishing to trespass inside of a mummies treasure horde.
  • Necromancy: Some mummies, particularly those who in live had a pact with the mummification god Anubis, were capable of using a form of necromancy that allowed them to momentarily raise the dead. As pharaohs were often buried with a number of those who had served them in life, a resurrected pharaoh would raise these servants to fight for it and protect it from intruders.
  • Heka: Other mummies who are learned in the magical arts are capable of performing a sort of sigil magic, known as Heka, through the usage of hieroglyphics. These glyphs, when drawn in certain combinations, could produce magical effects that would strengthen the mummy and give it the ability to cast ancient and powerful spells.

