The Demonic Paradise Wiki


Xaphan was one of the fallen angels. He rebelled with Lucifer, and is a demon of the second ranks that bellows the furnaces of Hell.


The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Xaphan as having an inventive mind even among demons and he is traditionally depicted carrying a pair of bellows.


Xaphan was originally an angel until he joined Lucifer's rebellion against God. He is said to have come from the lower orders of Heaven, but is now a demon of the second rank. During the rebellion, Xaphan suggested setting fire to the celestial realm to gain the advantage over God's forces.

He was subsequently cast out of Heaven and into the abyss with the rest of the rebels, where he was transformed into a demon. Xaphan subsequently became one of the demons that populate the fiery realm of Hell.

Due to his association with fire, Xaphan is believed to be the demon who keeps the fires and furnaces of Hell ablaze. According to the Dictionnaire Infernal, he fans the flames with his hands and breath until the end of time.
